Start the new year off right with Invisalign. If you want a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile, Dr. Thomas Prendergast can help. Invisalign is a cosmetic dental treatment that uses a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten teeth over time. Misaligned teeth can cause a variety of problems, including tooth decay, an uneven bite, speech issues, worn teeth, and jaw strain. Many patients may need to straighten their smiles because of these problems. Even if you do not suffer from dental problems due to crooked teeth, they can develop quickly. Realigning crooked teeth can stop these problems before they even emerge.
At Infinity Dental in Fox Lake, IL, we offer Invisalign clear aligners as an effective solution to crooked teeth problems. Learn more about why Invisalign is a good alternative to metal braces below:
Benefits of Invisalign
Traditional metal braces can irritate or pinch the gum tissue surrounding teeth. Metal braces also have an average treatment time that spans several years. Invisalign treatment can usually be completed in eighteen months or less. Patients who use Invisalign can also take their clear aligners out to eat and brush their teeth, so there are no dietary restrictions. Because the aligners used in Invisalign treatment are clear, they are less noticeable than traditional braces.
Receiving Invisalign
Before receiving your Invisalign aligners, Dr. Prendergast will review your oral health, budget, and goals with you. He will conduct an evaluation to ensure that Invisalign is the best treatment to meet your needs. To begin the Invisalign treatment process, Dr. Prendergast creates a mold of your teeth for your first custom aligner. After your Invisalign aligners are created, he will provide you with them to be worn and changed about every two weeks as teeth shift. This customized treatment is mapped out to conform to shifting teeth.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Do you want to straighten crooked teeth? Try effective Invisalign treatment. If you are a new patient, call Infinity Dental for comfortable care today at (847) 447-6637. Returning patients may call our office at (847) 587-5053. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Prendergast on our website.