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1394 South Route 12 Fox Lake, IL 60020

Posts Tagged ‘routine dental care’


Halloween Candy And Your Teeth

The scariest part of Halloween is the damage all that candy does to your teeth! Spooky plaque feeds off sugar, allowing it to rapidly spread and take over your mouth. Plaque buildup can cause gum disease, bad breath, sensitive teeth,…


Keep Your Smile Healthy

Dental health can have a huge impact on the overall quality of life and well-being. This is why it is so important to maintain good oral health and to visit Dr. Tom Prendergast regularly. At the Fox Lake, IL office,…


Maintain Your Dental Health Through The Holidays

The holidays are full of busy days, parties, family memories- and lots of great sweets and goodies that can affect not only our waistline- but our oral health! Fox Lake, IL Dentist Dr. Thomas Prendergast offers holiday wishes to all…